Puddle Duck Racer Sailboat Class - Newsletter 5

Hey everybody - I want to say a big congratulations to all y'all, we just passed 600 hulls !!! Every time we cross another set of double oh's, I am just completely amazed and how quickly our community grows. The time difference between each interval keeps getting smaller, and a huge factor is the efforts of duckers spreading the word about our club. I've heard all sorts of ways like some duckers make their own business cards and hand them out, some print small 1/4 page flyers, and lots of duckers write down the website for prospective new members. I want to say a huge THANK YOU for all the effort to help spread the word about our community, and I am very proud to be part of this club.
To put icing on the cake, I was just talking to Jackie, and not only do they have more than 40 duckers signed up to compete at the world championship race, but they are comming from 23 different states, and 3 foreign countries!

In addition to putting your number on your HIN Plate, we typically paint our hull number on each side of the bow. This is a convention with all racing sailboats, so that as we cross the finish line, it is easy for the race committee to identify who we are, and record our score. With possibly 40+ ducks attending the world championship race, you can understand how this sure does help. And when just sailing around for recreation, every other sailor that sees your hull, will instantly know you are in a race boat because of the bow number.
It also really helps to display your hull number on your sail. For tarp sails, duckers commonly use duct tape and make large block numbers. There are all sorts of colors available at the hardware store so you can find a color that looks good on your sail. For those that have dacron sails, there are lots of vinyl letters available that stick on. I've got a link to some on the sail material page.
If you can't attend the world championship race, then how about organizing a race with other local duckers. We do not have any protected territories, any puddle ducker can organize any race they want, so you can hold your own State (or Province) championship race, or whatever else you want to call it.
If you are interested in capturing the rights to host a future world championship, then submit your bid. Even if it is less than the current bids that are already on the board, (even if it is only 2 hulls) what will happen is that others will see you are interested in hosting a championship race, and they will join up with you in a future event to make an even higher bid. More info about submitting bids at the bottom of the world championship race page
In last month's newsletter, I talked about how colorful our boats are. Looking through the registry, there are a lot pictures of plain plywood hulls, but that really is just an effect of the way we register our boats. Over time I get updated photos, and just wanted to share a few of the recent updated photos that have more of the flair like was talking about last month:
New Articles:
Sailboat Dolly For A PDRacer
By: Richard Frye, Capt. AH
Pennsylvania, USA
Life from the center of the Channel - Puddle Ducks dont need wind
By: Thomas Mauer #537 "Water Dancer" (2ea 2ad 12ar)
Pennsylvania, USA
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