Attaching the bottom
By Robert BrownWell, I now have an upside down hull, that I need to unscrew, glue and rescrew the 4x8 11/32 exterior plywood hull sheet. Then I need to tape the seams. I am thinking that I will use some tough canvas like cloth and Loctite lll. Then I will paint it with very good Behr latex. The Home Depot staff has been ever so cheerily helpful to this old man wandering though this process. I have been taking pictures as this work has progressed. What an amazing boat. I once had a Rhodes 22 (featured recently in the mag Small Craft Advisory) that was fun to sail, but difficult to utilize on a short notice, or on a smaller body of water. Oh, I almost forgot, I will need to turn Lafalot topside up and get er done. I am already in possession of David Gray's leg of mutton sail and tried to sail a Bass Master Bantam ll. A bummer as there was not enough leg room to sit up. I think that my 18' freeboard and 9' side boxes will be adequate.