Day Of First Sail
By Robert BrownI sent Shorty some pictures of my 1050 taken the day of its first sail, Nov 24, '18. Getting them on this site at this time is above my technical ability. At any rate, the air was very light, the water temp was 40 and my #1 son bravely waded out to mid thigh water to get my boat back on my poorly situated trailer. I am using a leg of mutton sail from David Gray. My mast is at the 12' mark and the leeboard pivot flange is located at the 41' mark. In the light air, I was unable to point up into the wind, but made it back to the launch ramp ok. I have made a jib from the blue plastic tarp and plan to add the bow sprit and also a mizzen mast and sail when the weather warms my garage/shop up to a more livable temperature. Also I have an old sabot sail kit that I need to put together as another option for sailing about on these Kansas windy lakes.
Would like to hear from any other Kansas or neighboring state duckers.
Bob Brown
Would like to hear from any other Kansas or neighboring state duckers.
Bob Brown