Lake Charles Messabout

We changed from August to April hoping for cooler temperatures and more wind. We got both and had a great day. We had two past commodores show up, Ron and Mary Rush and Duane Hendry. Our present commodore Richard Doss and Anne were there with their new grandbaby.

Another past member Carolyn Vest was there and brought a lot of old pictures from the club. Other longtime members, Patsy and Herman Manuel were there and we able to remember the old days at LCYC.

The day started out chilly. As the day wore on, the temperature warmed up and we were able to get in a lot of sailing and paddling. Out sailing were a Stiletto, Sunfish, Jar Cat, a Puddle Duck Racer and two Optimist Dinghies. The club Optimist was rigged up and went sailing by the Unglaube kids.

Boats on display were Tom Ashe�s Jon boat, pirogues by Dave Sargent and Ken Abrahams, Jar Cat by Dave Sargent, Puddle Duck by Chuck Pierre, plus an Old Town canoe, an epoxy/ply canoe, an Optimist Dinghy and Theodore Tugboat by Ken Abrahams. It was good to see so many home built boats on display and in the water.

Thanks to everyone that took part. It was truly a fun day at the club.

Ken Abrahams
Lake Charles Yacht Club