Labor Day Progress
By Helen Opie #904 "Molly Kool" (1es 1eo 1ea 31ar)I finally got to the point where I could move about and think at the same time and went out to do a few more little things. I found my anchor and tied a rope to it and now need to figure out where to store it and how to anchor its rope to the boat. I also hung fog horn, made a traveler (or horse here), screwed down inch worms to guide the halyard and the downhaul to cleats within easy reach, also shown in photo. We may or may not have rain tonight; the forecast varies and the location of the rain varies. Better to be safe than sorry. The other Duck is Will Taylor's Le Cou Rouge # 607. We brought it up here to join in my Grand Cruise. Maybe we'll sail together this fall, and maybe not. I think I can now sail MK, although there are still things to be done like cut off the excess leeboard pivot, screw down the inchworms more tightly, I've brought the sail in to paint her number on her and probably, but that might go on the hull. A lot of bits of painting needed still.

PDR-MK 7 Sept - snap hook for foghorn (horn still needs a lanyard)

PDR-MK 7 Sept, Inchworms and cleats for halyard & downhaul. Slice of black pipe from mast sleeve holds halyard to hold yard arm close to mast.

PDR-MK 7 Sept. Traveler/Horse for sheet. Red rope is carrying handle.

PDR-MK 7 Sept. Hulls 907 & 607 ready for rain.