Parent and Youth Race 10-15-05
By Doug Day (retired) #1 "DUB"

We originally were going to run a Roulette race, but decided to change it to a Team Relay Race using only 2 boats.
The way it works is that there are 2 teams, each sends a single crew out to the bouy and back, then the crew gets swapped out.
First team to get all their crew around the bouy wins.

And they are off !
Each of the laps were really close between the two boats for each crew.
The boats went out and back, the crews scurried off the boats and on, with a good shove the next laps were started.

But on the final lap, the Vagabond was able to pull ahead with Michael at the tiller.

Victory !!
So the crews of each team swapped around a little and we set out to run the race again.

This time the PDRacer team was beating the Vagabond team enough that we sent out Dave and Lisa on an extra lap.

Oh no!! The Vagabond went into irons !!

The PD crew was looking for the mark and couldn't find it, where could it have gone...

Whoops... I guess that is what happened to the mark. Or were they just cleaning up the course on the last lap?

We wandered back up to the hill to have some lunch.
The kids ate a little then ran around squirting each other with squirt guns for about an hour, they sure seem to be having a bunch of fun - I know I was having a great time, looking forward to next time.