Sailboat Cruising and Adventure Books

The Simplistic Sailboat: A Family Cruise in a $600 Boat

Dan Hookham describes how he built a very simple 24 foot long sailboat with cheap materials and took his family cruising. His boat looks similar to a Bolger Birdwatcher (featured in Boats With an Open Mind) which is practially a stretched plywood box that has windows giving is an incredible amount of protected cabin space. You sail from inside the boat and it is very light & easy to handle. The book includes how he built the boat and stories of where they went sailing and how it went. A funny part is he describes how he bought a bunch of mis-tint paints and then mixed them all together. He called the resulting color battleship grey and painted most of his boat with that color.

Sailing America: A Trailer-Sailor's Guide to the Continent

Ever heard of a Potter 15 ?? They are cute little 14 foot long dinghies that have a cabin on them and have a pretty good cult following. So the author of the book Larry Brown had a wife & 2 kids and owned a Potter 15 and wanted to go on a family trip across the country and have everyone sleep aboard his potter. When I first heard of this book I said "No way!". I previously owned a Potter 15 and couldn't believe he vacationed a family of 4 aboard of of those. After hearing about it immediately went out to get a copy of the book and read it. Sure enough HE DID and shares all the adventures !! And it sounded like he did just fine too. Was a little cramped but his philosophy is the bigger a boat gets the more usesless stuff you take with you so why not just take a small boat and less stuff.

Flirting With Mermaids

This book chronicles the adventures of a sailboat delivery captain. The situation is that people own bigger sailboats and need them moved from one location to another and often it is cheaper to hire someone to sail it there than to have it shipped. John Kretschmer is one of those delivery captains and has been doing it for 20 years as of the writing of the book. Very intersting adventures he has taken to deliver sailboats.

Flotsam and Jetsam: The Collected Adventures, Opinions, and Wisdom from a Life Spent Messing About in Boats
Frugal Yachting: Family Adventuring in Small Sailboats
Sailing on a Micro-Budget
The Rudder Treasury: A Companion for Lovers of Small Craft
The Compleat Cruiser: The Art, Practice, and Enjoyment of Boating
Things I Wish I'd Known Before I Started Sailing
Flotsam and Jetsam: The Collected Adventures, Opinions, and Wisdom from a Life Spent Messing About in Boats
Sailing Small: Inspiration and Instruction for the Pocket Cruiser

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