Puddle Duck Racer Sailboat Class - Newsletter 1
If it has been a while since you visited the website, you might notice something different. I completely reformatted the entire site and also restructured the menu system. Also I have purchased a lot more server space and bandwith so I can publish a lot more articles from puddle duckers.
I just opened up a notification list and this is the first newsletter that is going out. See the bottom of the page for a link to the newsletter subscription information.
I am proud to announce that Ken Simpson, Jim Michalak, and John Welsford have each donated their plans to the club !! Isn't that great!! I have links to them from the free plans page
New Articles:
Cardboard Model of the Simple 18 PDRacer
By: Tim Cleary
South Carolina, USA
Sledding a PDRacer in the snow
By: Dave Gray
Florida, USA
Event Date: 2011-04-10
Organizer: Dave Gray
Duckers Attended: 3
Minimumm of effort - maximum of joy and distance
By: Detlef Teufel #139 "Minimumm" (2ar)
, Switzerland
Boy Scout Troop 125 Duck Hatch - Go Sailing
By: David Chamness #336 "Whack Whack" (5es 2eo 3ea 4ad 2ar)
Georgia, USA
Event Date: 2011-04-09
Organizer: David Chamness #336 "Whack Whack" (5es 2eo 3ea 4ad 2ar)
Duckers Attended: 5
Boy Scout Troop 125 Duck Hatch - Build The Boats
By: David Chamness #336 "Whack Whack" (5es 2eo 3ea 4ad 2ar)
Georgia, USA
Event Date: 2011-04-02
Organizer: David Chamness #336 "Whack Whack" (5es 2eo 3ea 4ad 2ar)
Duckers Attended: 4
Video of Sailing At Lake Bastrop TX
By: Dave Sanborn #287 "Duck Soup" (2es 2eo 5ea 2ad 7ar)
Texas, USA
Event Date: 2011-04-02
Organizer: Dave Sanborn #287 "Duck Soup" (2es 2eo 5ea 2ad 7ar)
Duckers Attended: 2
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