2005 Manolia Beach Messabout - Page 5
By Doug Day (retired) #1 "DUB"

The next morning, we woke and counted one less boats, Richard Spelling's Chebacco was nowhere to be seen.
We were wondering if he had dragged anchor and was somewhere on the other side of the bay, but later found out that about 2 in the morning, he / wife / kids had enough of the heat and mosquitos, and motored back over to Magnolia Beach, pulled his boat and checked into a hotel.
It was a reach on the way there, almost a straight line and only 6 miles.
On the way back, the wind was coming directly from Magnolia Beach, and Louis recorded our trip was 19 miles.
Here is a photo of Wayne, he gave me a ride back in his M17.

We had heard about a tsunami the previous day, the cargo ships come into Port Lavaca and drop their loads, then run empty (and very fast) back out the channel throwing a large wake.
We saw about 4 of them in the course of 24 hours, so it was very light amount of traffic, one of the great things I like about Matagorda and Palacios Bay - there is such a large amount of space, and so few other boats of any type.

This is a Shearwater, it is the big brother to the Dovekie.
And look at that beautiful leg-o-mutton sprit sail, my favorite sail rig.
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