Puddle Duck Race - Page 1
By Doug Day (retired) #1 "DUB"

Here is Ken's boat "Ugly Duckling".
He is flying a stock sunfish mast and sail, with an Opti centerboard and rudder.

Doug's boat "DUB", flying a 4 sided sprit sail, and a boom from a bow sprit.

Here is my boat, I have a bolger 59 sqft 3 sided leg-o-mutton sprit, with baby doll in the crows nest.
Instead of a sprit boom, I used a boom along the foot with jaws.

Wayne Yeargin in his Omega 14 which was our committee boat.
The Omega is the predacessor of the Capri 14.2, the name was changed to Capri later when it was discovered another boat was already called an Omega.
Wayne took most of these pictures, want to say thanks a bunch buddy!
Really apreciate you volunteering for this race.

You might have noticed the crowd in the above photos - I screwed up.
I thought the rowing regatta was the previous weekend, but turns out that they were running races the same time we were planning to.
They had their course setup in the good section of the lake, so we paddled under the bridge and ran on the North end of the lake.

Andrew Creamer came out to see the races (he is currently building a boat), and all the wives walked over to the North side of the bridge to watch.
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