Puddle Duck Race 2 - Page 1
By Doug Day (retired) #1 "DUB"

When I first got there, it was pretty nice. A bit on the overcast side, about the right temperature, and the winds at about 7mph.

Wayne arrived with the Montgomery 17 rescue / committee boat.

Launched my boat.

James arrived and has done a few things to his boat.
He fixed his leeboard so now it pivots well, also he added some fun noodles under the bow and stern decks.
Later after the race, we did some capsize testing to see how they worked.

What is this!?!?!
Does James have a new hi-tech parafoil kite sail?

That is a nice looking balanced lug sail.
I think it has great proportions to it, and it seems very well balanced to the boat.

His is only 12" high, he was considering making it only 10, but went the extra 2".

Look at those huge decks, and that pair of rails that extend all the way to the bow.
I have a sneaking suspicion that there is a bowsprit and jib in the future for ACME.

This is the "I-Can't-Decide-Where-To-Put-It" Mast Step. Notice all of the blocks of wood.
2 of them are cut at angles and the rest are loose so the mast can slide forward or aft as he wants, also can put in some rake.
Also there is a box around the mast step, so if water comes over it won't penetrate the airbox at the bow.

And then the wind came.
It is very hard to capture the feeling of the wind, the gusts would come making the sails flutter very badly.

As if to say "I want to go sailing", James's boat kept swinging back and forth pulling at it's painter.

Notice the box of parts in the life jacket, a few extras just in case... :)
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