Puddle Duck Race 5 - Page 10
By Doug Day (retired) #1 "DUB"

I was going to pitch a tent like everyone else, but got lazy and just slept in the back of my minivan.

Skip was in the small tent on the left,
Greg and Christina were in the 3rd blue hut from the right,
Bob Williams & his friend stayed at a hotel,
Charlie and Laura went home,
And I don't think anyone else came back on Sunday.

Skip sailed his proa around a bit since the wind wasn't as bad as it was the previous day.
Proas are such unusual boats that when you park them on the beach, they naturally sit with the ama balanced in the air.

And then the wolf huffed, and puffed, and blew the rig away.
On the way home I drove out to the small boat launch at Palacios Point.
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