Puddle Duck Race 5 - Page 8
By Doug Day (retired) #1 "DUB"

One of the things we were going to do is have a Puddle Duck race.
When I first got there, I took my pdracer out for a short spin to see how it would handle the big waves and heavy air.
(These pictures are of Tim Cowden sailing later on in the day)

I headed out and she was doing great.
Really chugging thru the water and trying to ride her own bow wave.

I got out past the point and went over one little wave, came down and then headed up a bigger wave ....

... and sliding down that wave the bow dug in, and kept going !!
The boat continued going down untill the entire boat was submerged.
I leaned way back and a combination of that and the drop off of my speed allowed the hull to resurface.
Coming back up I then carried a full cockpit of water.
Since my cockpit isn't that big anymore, it wasn't that big of a deal, I was still able to sail around just fine, although a little bit more sluggish.

I headed back to the beach, heeling a bit to dump out the water.
Since no other pdracers showed up, we could not hold a race.
Later while Tim was sailing around he did the same, diving the boat and earning his submariner dolphins.
Didn't capsize though, just carried a little water with him.
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