Puddle Duck Race 6 - Page 2
By Doug Day (retired) #1 "DUB"

We headed out to the starting line and did our dance waiting for the start signal.

The wind was a bit flukey, it would gust for a while, then settle to about 8 mph, and sometimes die.
Since I have a sprit boom, my starboard tack is a much better pulling point of sail, and with the wind we had I definitely wanted to cross the line on a starboard tack.
So I tried my best to position myself near the line for the 1 minute mark.

We all stayed very close to the staring line.

This time instead of sticking with Ken, I was going to try the technique where at the 1 minute warning, I sail from the starting line away from it for 30 seconds on port tack.
Then I turned and headed on starboard tack towards the line.
Got it perfect! I was able to cross the line only seconds after the start horn.

Somehow Ken was caught in irons and temporarily delayed, but soon regained control and flew across the line.

Last across the line was David, and he was going FAST !!!

Making up for a slow start, David was able to overtake Ken and was crawling up on my stern.
We had several very close tacks, and then David's leeboard broke, and he fell behind.
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