World Wide List Of Puddle Duckers
Event Size Events Organized Events Attended Associated Duckers Article Count |

Puddle Duck Racer 512
John Bridges
Events Organized (18)
2 duckers 2011-04-02
1 duckers 2011-08-06
2 duckers 2011-07-03
2 duckers 2012-05-06
4 duckers 2012-05-15
28 duckers 2012-08-04
8 duckers 2012-08-02
10 duckers 2012-08-03
2 duckers 2012-09-29
1 duckers 2012-11-21
2 duckers 2013-01-21
1 duckers 2013-08-05
1 duckers 2013-10-04
1 duckers 2014-02-07
1 duckers 2014-03-21
1 duckers 2014-04-14
8 duckers 2014-08-11
1 duckers 2016-01-16
Events Attended (20)
Articles (50)
Associated Duckers (43)
Dave Gray
Scott Widmier
Rick Landreville #136 "Monstrosity" (4ea)
Dave Gray #199 (3ea)
Cecilia Sherwood #351 "Zepplin-PDR" (2ea)
Steve Gully - Earlfixit #415 "Mystery2" (5ea)
Morgan Reynolds #463 "The Tissue Box" (1ea 1ar)
Captain Ken #523 "Block Duck" (2ea)
Richard Frye, Capt. AHAB
Ken Sherwood
Matt Baumer and family #532 (1ea)
G. Smith #533 "A Foat Under the Boat" (1ea)
Thomas Mauer #537 "Water Dancer" (2ea 2ad 12ar)
Chrissie Chojnicki #540 "The Pink Pearl !" (4ea)
Wayne Reynolds #552 "K. P. Sally" (1ea)
Nick and Mitchell Quartz #577 "Blame it on Buffett" (1ea)
Cindy Fischer
Wally and Tina Dunkle #581 "Rednek Yawt" (2ea)
Brian and Ashley #584 "Hagar The Horrible" (1ea)
Mike Instone #599 "Duck-n Around" (3ea)
James Farris
Carla Phillips
Becky Kanar
George Miller
Al Huntley
Friends of Yellow Creek #689 "Eagle" (1ea)
Friends of Yellow Creek #690 "Scout" (1ea)
Clara Sherwood #694 "Piranha" (2ea)
Ned Asplundh #707 (2ea)
Donald G. Smith Jr. M.D. #714 "Pato Real" (1ea)
Jim Jackson and Grandchildren Hayden and Violet
George Uehling #719 (2ea)
Tom Kocher #722 "Jonah" (1ea)
Butler Outdoor Club #881 "Duckzilla" (1ea 1ar)
Lake Arthur Regatta #889 (2ea)
Tessa Haneline
Andrew and Daniel Tabas #937 (1ea)
Gabe Sheridan #938 "Stanley" (1ea)
Dan Weaver #939 "Duccaneer" (1ea)
Dylan Walter Douthett #944 "RMS Irony" (1ea)
Bill (Dad) and Liam (Son) Gnadt
Tom and Tammy Mysliwiec #947 "The Flying Duckman" (1ea)
Event Size / Events Organized / Events Attended / Associted Duckers
An event is a calendar day when duckers gather and see each other in person.
When posting an article about an event, you can list the person who organized the event, the date of that event and the
hull numbers of the duckers you saw at the event. Event size / organized / attended are derived from those articles.
Associated duckers come from the articles you post, the others you list as having seen at events are counted as
your associated duckers.